Hello family and friends! Christmas is coming up so soon! A little too soon for those who haven't done their shopping yet...haha
Well, let's catch up on current events. Just recently, about 3 weeks ago; my gramma King broke her shoulder. For those of you who don't know, my gramma King is my gramma Margaret's mom. (so actually she's a great gramma..) Anywho.
She fell out of bed and hit smack dab on the floor; which is really hard. The shoulder is such an awkward bone to break. They don't make casts for this part of the body. The doctor decided to place her in a sling.
He figures it will take 10 weeks max until her shoulder is completely healed. My gramma King, however, has Alzheimer's and forgets about her broken shoulder. So she will try to take the sling off! Not good!
The best suggestion was to have someone stay with her 24/7. Originally it was all my grampa and gramma. They are constantly with my grandma King. It can get a little tiresome after a while, so they asked for help. My mom took day shift from 8-12 and I took night shift from 8-8. It's been so great that I have been able to use my CNA training with my gramma King.
It's really tough sometimes to stay awake and also to see a different side of my gramma. I remember her as I grew up, always being an independent, hardworking, servant. It's hard for her to let other's help her and wait on her.
God has really given me patience to work with her; it's not always easy. Sometimes the call light becomes my best friend! :D ..haha
If you could remember my gramma King in your prayers, that would be wonderful! Sure, she is 91 years old; but then again, how old was Sarah when she had her baby? (from the Old Test.) haha... God can do anything!
I love you all and I hope you have a Blessed Christmas!!!
Merry CHRISTmas,
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