Hey everyone, I apologize for taking so long to upload my blog. Somewhere between checking my emails..updating myspace...and chatting on facebook..I get lost and forget about blogging! haha :D
So about a couple weeks ago I turned 21 years old! Wow that is old...haha just kiddin'! And not only did I turn 21 but it was spent all day in Austraila!! Sydney/Katoomba, Aus.! It was amazing! We had spaghetti on toast, Devinshire tea with a jam plastered scone...in the evening we had meat pies with a flat white to add on the side! What an amazing birthday! Dec. 30th my grandparents, our friend Jerry, my brother Nate and I left for Australia.! We left the 30th and arrived the 1st of January...so somewhere in between flights we spent New Years together! haha :D
Probably sleeping...
ANYWAY..the main reason we went to Australia was for this camp "Southern Cross Kids' Camp" for abused children. Our dear friend Carolyn Boyd had invited us to be apart of it, so we excitedly got the tickets and hopped on board!
I had never been a buddy at a camp before..so I was nervous. I had heard some horror stories from previous buddies and wasn't sure if that would be me at the end of the week...haha
Praise God, because it wasn't! haha But the truth is...when it's all said and done..all that matters is those children and how you may have responded to the criticism or the hurtful remarks...how did you show God's love...did you listen to them...did you care about them...did you go out of your way to make them feel special...? I think all of these things are important...
God shows us love even when we push away...Even when we say hurtful things...even when we call Him names or refuse to listen too HIm...God cares about all of our situations...His love is beyond our imagination...
God really worked on my heart in that one week of camp. I will never forget my camper Skye. She was hard to open up at first..but God really did a transformation in her heart and once she broke that first smile...my heart skipped a beat! I was blessed.
Another thing that was so great about being involved in this camp was the unity and peace of the team working together...there was this bond that was strong and we held each other up...I loved working with the girls in my cabin "Mec-Tsyn and JoAnne", they were anointed woman of God..full of the Spirit and a huge encouragment too me! We had soo much fun! Also just the way that Rachel and Grace continued showing love and pursuing their campers even when it was tough...They are an inspiration to all of us..I believe.
They never stopped..they never quit! Just as God never quits on us. They probably thought about it..in fact I know they did, but they didn't give in! They could say what Paul says "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race I have kept the faith!" (2 Tim. 4:7)
THere is no way that you can go through a camp like that and not come out different...YOu will not be the same once you leave that place...Your heart will be expanded...your patience tested...haha :D but it's true..and your Fruit of the SPirit!
I just really appreciate Carolyn..Colleen..and all of those who put that camp together and had the heart to do it, and obeyed the will of God! Thank you. I love you all! :D Blessings,
From Sister,
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