Friday, April 18, 2008

Expelled: No Intelligence Aloud!

Hey everyone, it's Rache*! Today I went and saw the movie "Expelled: No Intelligence Aloud!" It is basically stating how we in America are losing our freedom to talk about Intelligent Design in schools, businesses, and media. We are moving towards pushing religion completely out in every way..
I honestly didn't know much about this movie previously, but my grandparents invited my brother and I to see it. I decided to go and was disturbed but motivated. Motivated to do something about it! Motivated to pray for our country and for those that are blinded! The scientists that are so blinded by the lies of the devil! If you get a chance, go and see the movie...but I don't know how long it will be in theaters because so many people are against it.
They are already having protesters because of the message it shares!

Otherwise, if you aren't able to see the movie; pray for our country! Pray also for those scientists that are mislead and are misleading others.
Many in this world are blind!

Thankyou so much! :D God bless!

I love you all so much!!!


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