As I asked Him, he showed me a picture that looked like a bookmark reading SOLD OUT!!! It was so vivid and haunted me... shown below (example of what I saw)

I did not know what this could I asked God "what is this? What does SOLD OUT mean?" I continued praying about it and God made it clear to me that this message was for this generation... That Christians would be SOLD OUT completely for Him!!!
Two days later God gave me three things "One Focus in life, One Purpose to live, and One Jesus to serve"... This is what it means to be SOLD OUT for Christ!!! We are to have One focus in this life! Have One purpose to live for! And Serve ONE JESUS!!! Today in America I am frustrated because I see many Christians being so lazy in their faith.
They are not SOLD OUT for Him! We come to church when it is convenient for us. Whereas in other countries they are willing to travel miles; BAREFOOT!
How far are Christians willing to travel to hear the words of God? Why do we come to church, for ourselves or for God?
Anyway...Nathan asked me to preach at youth last night. It was my first time ever and I was nervous....but God gave me such extreme the apostles! The Holy Spirit worked in the service last night! He broke through lives but some still were afraid to commit their lives whole heartedly to Him! I am asking for prayer for the Christians of this generation to be SOLD OUT completely to Him!!!
Thank You so much and God Bless!!!! :D :D :D
I love you all!
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