God gave me such boldness this week, it was unexplainable, and faith! Hallelujah! And oh...what freedom to dance in the presence of the Lord with complete abandonment! The fire fell down on nearly all of the youth! Many youth were set free of addictions, their past, chains that had been hindering them, words that had enslaved them, unforgiveness of those who had hurt them! PRAISE THE LORD!!! He heard our cries and he set the captives free. And now the youth are free to worship and free to dance! They are free to live for God! Amen!
God broke down the walls and the blindness the devil had placed over the eyes of the youth. He spoke life into them. He transformed hearts. He changed their lives and called them His own~! His blood covered them and wiped away every stain. Lives were dedicated to the Lord! :D
I want to praise God right now because my dear friend Remona was able to come to camp! She gave her heart to the Lord and then two days later was filled with the fire of the Spirit!!! :D How great it was to see God touch her life! What a blessing she is to me! I love her and her family! I was talking with Remona and I asked her, “Did you thank God for what He did for you tonight?” She said, “Yes, God loves me.” Haha : D Yes He does Remona!!! Amen!

haha this photo has nothing to do with camp! The boy and girl asians are Cat Thereena, and Tharkudo (boy)! They are Remona's little brother and sister. The boy on my lap is named Steph. He lives in the same apartment complex as Remona. There are actually many kids living in the apartments. Many african, some from the middle east, american, and asian. I am praying for God to give me favor with their parents because I want the children to come to church. I am making friends with many of the african kids! :D They are such a blessing and so precious! haha :D
Blessings to you all! :D
Hey Rachael...
Just dropping you a line to say HI! Awesome to hear that you'll be making your way down here to Melbourne for SCKC next year, at the moment I'm definitely planning to be there. Looking forward to meeting you in person and your brother (and other family?) too!
Your Aussie friend...
Sarah =)
How exciting to read all that the Lord is doing through and with you TL. The Youth camp sounded fantastic! Great to hear that your friend Remona is now a part of God's family too!
Hi TL - not sure if my previous comment went through. Was just so pleased to read how the Lord had moved in and through you at the Youth Camp - sounds like a fantastic time for all. Great to know that Remona is now part of God's family too.
Hi TL - so enjoyed reading all that the Lord had done through you at camp this summer. Also the testimony of Remona. You go girl! Gos has great things ahead for you!
waaah! Rache! I LOOOOVE your heart!!! xoxoxo Thank you for being one of my readers hehe :)
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