Saturday evening August 23, 2008 I received a voice mail from my mom. My good friend that I've known for a long time got in a car accident. Jo, she is 17. She wasn't wearing her seat belt and was thrown through the window. She laid on the side of the road for an hour until she was found. She was found by a family friend and he asked her if she could hear him, then he asked if she would respond by squeezing his hand because she wasn't talking. She squeezed his hand. They immediately life flighted her to the hospital. Now she is in intensive care and is in a indulsive coma! I am believing in healing for JO!!! PRAY FOR JO PLEASE!!! Pray for her! That God's glory will be revealed and she will rise up and walk!

jo is the girl with me in the picture
Her family is not Christian and we are praying that this will cause a chain reaction of acceptance of God's salvation in their lives!!! Please be praying that they come to God through this!
Thank you so much for your prayers everyone!
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