.....I wish that every young person could watch this video. But God didn't just do this for them, He has done it for all of us!!!
PLEASE take just 3 minutes out of your time to watch this video! It touched my heart like nothing I have ever felt before! YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS AND TRULY GET THIS THROUGH YOUR HEAD and INTO YOUR HEART!!!
I love you,
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Spending time with Grandma King...

Hello family and friends! Christmas is coming up so soon! A little too soon for those who haven't done their shopping yet...haha
Well, let's catch up on current events. Just recently, about 3 weeks ago; my gramma King broke her shoulder. For those of you who don't know, my gramma King is my gramma Margaret's mom. (so actually she's a great gramma..) Anywho.
She fell out of bed and hit smack dab on the floor; which is really hard. The shoulder is such an awkward bone to break. They don't make casts for this part of the body. The doctor decided to place her in a sling.
He figures it will take 10 weeks max until her shoulder is completely healed. My gramma King, however, has Alzheimer's and forgets about her broken shoulder. So she will try to take the sling off! Not good!
The best suggestion was to have someone stay with her 24/7. Originally it was all my grampa and gramma. They are constantly with my grandma King. It can get a little tiresome after a while, so they asked for help. My mom took day shift from 8-12 and I took night shift from 8-8. It's been so great that I have been able to use my CNA training with my gramma King.
It's really tough sometimes to stay awake and also to see a different side of my gramma. I remember her as I grew up, always being an independent, hardworking, servant. It's hard for her to let other's help her and wait on her.
God has really given me patience to work with her; it's not always easy. Sometimes the call light becomes my best friend! :D ..haha
If you could remember my gramma King in your prayers, that would be wonderful! Sure, she is 91 years old; but then again, how old was Sarah when she had her baby? (from the Old Test.) haha... God can do anything!
I love you all and I hope you have a Blessed Christmas!!!
Merry CHRISTmas,
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Back in Idaho....
Hello, Hello! We are back in Idaho and are still trying to get off of jet lag! haha
Out trip to Thailand/Burma was amazing and will be one that we will never forget. Here are some photos from the trip:
Hope you enjoy them!
Out trip to Thailand/Burma was amazing and will be one that we will never forget. Here are some photos from the trip:
Hope you enjoy them!
Friday, October 26, 2007
On the Trip!
Sawadee Ca, from Thailand! We found a computer that has internet access over here in Pattaya, Thailand. We have 6 more days left until we head home! God has been doing amazing things over here, and will continue it.
I have enjoyed my time over here. The children are so adorable and have such big smiles on their faces as we pass out candy to them! Many of the people from the village churches of Burma, and churches in Thailand; have stolen my heart.
We have been making friendships, and I was able to get some emails from those that spoke some english.
While we were in Burma, I met this girl named Florence; who goes by Fran. Her dad was one of our interpreters. She spoke very good english and was the age of 23 years old! She looked very young, and I was suprised to hear her age. She loves the Lord with all her heart! Fran and I were able to spend a lot of time together talking, and shopping at the Burma market; which was crazy!
I plan on staying in touch with her and hope to see her again! She told me about the persacution she has gone through in keeping her Christian faith in Burma.
It's so very encouraging to see the different churches enter into worship with all of their hearts. They really get into it! It would be nice to see the American churches get into worship with all of their hearts, as we have seen here.
Otherwise; your prayers are working and appreciated!
God Bless you all!
Karpoon Ca (thankyou)
I have enjoyed my time over here. The children are so adorable and have such big smiles on their faces as we pass out candy to them! Many of the people from the village churches of Burma, and churches in Thailand; have stolen my heart.
We have been making friendships, and I was able to get some emails from those that spoke some english.
While we were in Burma, I met this girl named Florence; who goes by Fran. Her dad was one of our interpreters. She spoke very good english and was the age of 23 years old! She looked very young, and I was suprised to hear her age. She loves the Lord with all her heart! Fran and I were able to spend a lot of time together talking, and shopping at the Burma market; which was crazy!
I plan on staying in touch with her and hope to see her again! She told me about the persacution she has gone through in keeping her Christian faith in Burma.
It's so very encouraging to see the different churches enter into worship with all of their hearts. They really get into it! It would be nice to see the American churches get into worship with all of their hearts, as we have seen here.
Otherwise; your prayers are working and appreciated!
God Bless you all!
Karpoon Ca (thankyou)
Saturday, October 13, 2007

Hello Everyone!!!
Just a quick update! Tomorrow morning, which will be October 14th; we are going to Thailand for 3 weeks! It's going to be a mission's trip and two other families will be going with us. The missionaries, and this family we know from a church we went to. It is going to be so AWESOME! I just know it!
Lookin' for good times and good results! There is a chance that we will be able to visit an AIDS orphanage. Also, we will be visiting small churches in villages; possibly a refugee camp, and places in Burma. The only problem with Burma, is this Monk riot that's been going on within the last couple weeks. We are still unsure if it is safe to cross the border or not? So please pray for safety, and that the borders will be open for us! There are people in Burma who need Jesus!
Also, we will be having some fun times; riding elephants, eating weird foods, shopping at the Night Bazaar, and visiting cool attractions!
We definitely need your prayer! There will be opportunities to minister, teach, and work with kids! A lot of prayer folks! I'm really nervous, but He'll come through.
Hope to share all of the joy, and memories when we return!
P.S. the photo has nothing to do with our trip! haha; but isn't she cute! (meaning the dog)
Sunday, September 23, 2007
The Lord Spoke...

Lately, as in within the last few weeks; God has been really tugging at my heart. It have spent many sleepless nights because I feel the Lord trying to get a hold of me. He has place certain things on my heart to pray for, or certain people. Two Sundays ago from today, I was in church. We were worshiping and I began praying; but was unable to talk. So usually when I can't figure out how to communicate with God, I use my prayer language. As I was speaking in tongues, emotions began to well up. The music was getting softer, and I felt like God wanted me to say something to the Congregation.
I had never felt like this before, or done anything like this; so to not be disruptive I left the service and went into the Ladies restroom. While I was in there; I started weeping and speaking in tongues. The words came out very forceful; so forceful that I held my stomach.
I still wonder what someone would have done if they came into the bathroom and heard speaking in tongues coming from the stall? haha Anyway. After the service I told my dad that something was right with me. He gave me a funny look, but then I explained. He had me meet with Pastor Ted and talk to him about what happened. I told him everything and asked if it would be okay to share what God had put on my heart for the church. He agreed; but told me that God would try to use me again. Also, that I needed to respond, or else God could give the gift to someone else.
Not wanting to let that happen; I chose to respond. The next Sunday after that my family and I were in Montana. So nothing happened. But today we went to church. And I knew that it was going to happen sometime during service because I was unable to sleep all last night. There was such a heaviness of the Holy Spirit on me.
All morning my stomach had been sour. Probably because of nerves. Sue had made it in town for Pastor Charm's birthday, so that was great to see her! We talked for a little bit, then she got back to helping her dad.
Worship began and I started to sing. But I was unable to sing or speak in tongues well. It was like, nothing could come out until the right time. This was so foreign to me? I just wanted to be used by God and Him to take control!
At the right time, when Kevin had just finished saying something and worship was quiet; I was able to speak in tongues. The Lord took control and began speaking through me. Hoping that someone had the interpretation or that God would give me the words; as soon as it stopped, a lady from the other side of the church spoke. God used her to interpret.
I was overcome, once again with emotion and weeping. That was so cool, to know that God came through. He is faithful and spoke through someone else. It was a blessing.
No one can break my heart like God. This is in a good way. He ultimately breaks me...and brings me to a place where I am humbled. All I can say is thank you God. You are faithful. May we be obedient in the church when God wants to use us for His purpose!
If you have had anytype of experience like that, or have any advice/wisdom to pass on; please share! I'd love to hear it~! :D
Sunday, August 19, 2007
A Change in DiReCtIoN!
Wow! It has been a long, ENJOYABLE summer this year! Some of it hasn't been easy, but for the most part it has been a blast!
Over the summer I have been taken a summer course at BSU, in order to get my CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) certificate. This course has been very CHALLENGING, but God brought me through it. Now that I've passed the class, there are two more state tests that need to be taken. One is written, and the other based on skills learned in the class. It's going to be pretty tough!
One of the requirments for the CNA class is doing 40 hours of clinical hours. We were able to choose where we wanted to do our clinicals, out of a certain list, and if we wanted to do it at more than one place.
I have to admit, working for that first 8 hour shift was PRETTY tough. I thought to myself, "how could anybody work 8 hours straight?" But it got easier as time went along.
The first two 8 hour shifts I did were at the Veterans Home in downtown Boise. Some of those guys completely STOLE my heart. On the otherhand, some were really FIESTY~!
The rest of my 8 hour shifts were done over at the Boise Health and Rehab. I guessed I liked it because I ended up doing more than the required 40 hours there.
After being exposed to the medical field, and being able to see what CNA's do as opposed to RNs; it had made me question whether or not this was the best choice for me? I started asking myself, "is this really what I want to do with the rest of my life?" That question haunted me throughout the summer. I didn't know how to bring it up around my parents, or anyone else.
So...as the end of the year drew closer, I decided to bring up the topic with my dad. He didn't freak out, suprisingly. We talked through things, then my mom and Nate came in to join the discussion.
The decision came to not attending Northwest this year. And choosing a different major. While working my Clinical hours, I realized how much contact the CNA's had with the patients, and that's what made working so great! The RN's were the ones doing all the paper work and passing out of the Meds.
...."God has got to have bigger plans for me than this?!".......There is a huge desire that has always been on my heart, and that is what drew me to the Medical field. To help, serve, and work with people. Also to TRAVEL! While doing my clinical hours, there were many opportunities for me to talk about God with the CNA's. So, I did. This was the enjoyable part about it! Being a light, sharing about God, and hearing their stories. Some have been through alot!
This year my brother and I will be doing online school, called Global University. Nate is going for his Pastoral degree, and I'm going to be going for my Missions degree. MISSIONS have always been on my heart. What more exciting way to spend your life, than to travel the world and tell others about God! Having my CNA will open up doors overseas and has room to expand.
...The big question is, could those warning signs be from God? You bet!
...signing off TigerLily*
Over the summer I have been taken a summer course at BSU, in order to get my CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) certificate. This course has been very CHALLENGING, but God brought me through it. Now that I've passed the class, there are two more state tests that need to be taken. One is written, and the other based on skills learned in the class. It's going to be pretty tough!
One of the requirments for the CNA class is doing 40 hours of clinical hours. We were able to choose where we wanted to do our clinicals, out of a certain list, and if we wanted to do it at more than one place.
I have to admit, working for that first 8 hour shift was PRETTY tough. I thought to myself, "how could anybody work 8 hours straight?" But it got easier as time went along.
The first two 8 hour shifts I did were at the Veterans Home in downtown Boise. Some of those guys completely STOLE my heart. On the otherhand, some were really FIESTY~!
The rest of my 8 hour shifts were done over at the Boise Health and Rehab. I guessed I liked it because I ended up doing more than the required 40 hours there.
After being exposed to the medical field, and being able to see what CNA's do as opposed to RNs; it had made me question whether or not this was the best choice for me? I started asking myself, "is this really what I want to do with the rest of my life?" That question haunted me throughout the summer. I didn't know how to bring it up around my parents, or anyone else.
So...as the end of the year drew closer, I decided to bring up the topic with my dad. He didn't freak out, suprisingly. We talked through things, then my mom and Nate came in to join the discussion.
The decision came to not attending Northwest this year. And choosing a different major. While working my Clinical hours, I realized how much contact the CNA's had with the patients, and that's what made working so great! The RN's were the ones doing all the paper work and passing out of the Meds.
...."God has got to have bigger plans for me than this?!".......There is a huge desire that has always been on my heart, and that is what drew me to the Medical field. To help, serve, and work with people. Also to TRAVEL! While doing my clinical hours, there were many opportunities for me to talk about God with the CNA's. So, I did. This was the enjoyable part about it! Being a light, sharing about God, and hearing their stories. Some have been through alot!
This year my brother and I will be doing online school, called Global University. Nate is going for his Pastoral degree, and I'm going to be going for my Missions degree. MISSIONS have always been on my heart. What more exciting way to spend your life, than to travel the world and tell others about God! Having my CNA will open up doors overseas and has room to expand.
...The big question is, could those warning signs be from God? You bet!
...signing off TigerLily*
Saturday, June 23, 2007
...titled this one Ketchup, because there's a lot we need to catch up on...lol! Okay, kind of left you hanging there for a moment. My mom made it through her surgery, unfortunately the surgeon accidently tore her bladder. They gave her a catheter to wear for one week and glued the insicion. At first she was really weak looking, and tired. The color of her skin was pale, and she did not look too good. After a few days, her face began to get back to normal, and she was able to come home from the hospital.
It took a week or so until she was able to get back on her feet, and now she has started driving again. The recovery period has been going pretty quickly, and she is doing well! Thanks to all of God's work, and your prayers!
I have to be honest though, it was really tough seeing my mom in a helpless position. "She's supermom, she can't be sick!" But even supermom's need help.
It took a week or so until she was able to get back on her feet, and now she has started driving again. The recovery period has been going pretty quickly, and she is doing well! Thanks to all of God's work, and your prayers!
I have to be honest though, it was really tough seeing my mom in a helpless position. "She's supermom, she can't be sick!" But even supermom's need help.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Well, tomorrow's the BIG day! My mom is having surgery and is NEED of prayer. The doctor, and nurses, will be taken out her uterus for a Hysterectomy* (hopefully that's spelled right?) She is a little nervous, as you could imagine. The doctor says she will be in bed for 6-8 weeks and will be very sore, tired, achy, and exhausted. That is not a pretty combination. So it would be great if you could keep her lifted up in prayer, and also keep my dad in prayer. We are all having to adjust to this, but it is a necessary procedure. Thank you so much for your willingness to pray, it is greatly appreciated!
Monday, May 21, 2007
CNA Class!
....Why am I in school again? This was the first thought that came to my mind when I woke up this morning. Today was the beginning of my summer CNA classes.

Four hours long, one teacher, and a lot of information. It's going to be a challenge, but challenge is fun! Can't imagine a life without challenges? My teacher has been working in health care for 36 years and has had a lot of training. It's pretty cool! She's honest and very up front with how dangerous of a field this is.

Four hours long, one teacher, and a lot of information. It's going to be a challenge, but challenge is fun! Can't imagine a life without challenges? My teacher has been working in health care for 36 years and has had a lot of training. It's pretty cool! She's honest and very up front with how dangerous of a field this is.
She's already giving us advice of how to defend ourselves, "learn how to duck" she says.

Yep, this is going to be an adventure! We are required to do 40+ hours of clinical work outside of the classroom. We have to recieve above 80% on our exams and each student gives a 15 min. presentation for the class. (ahh!) The coolest part is, for our dress code in class she wants us to look professional. Now, when I heard that I thought, "no, please don't make us wear dresses or skirts!" Instead she says, come to class in scrubs!
Pretty awesome, because scrubs are practically the most comfortable clothing around, besides pajamas! Lol
All in all, there are around 20 students in my class. Half of them are married or have children. But they are a fun group of people! I think it's going to be a good experience. Thank you to all who are praying! It is greatly appreciated!
Friday, May 18, 2007
One year down...who know's what's next?!
Okay, so I just recently finished my first year of College. The cool thing is...I never have to be a freshmen again! But, there's still much work to be done in order to go into the medical field. Ahhh! Just kiddin', it should be a blast, as well as a challenge.
God has definitely put me in life changing moments this past year of college. I've had to make decisions that impacted my future and those around me. Life can be tough! But it's how you face those challenges that really defines who you are as a person.
I made mistakes... I made good choices...and I've been stretched. He's not done yet and that's the cool part! Today Sue and Deanne Carpenter met me
for coffee at a really cool place! They've remodeled this church and transformed it into a coffee place. The name is Rembrandts! You should check it out, in Eagle,ID if you ever get the chance. (try the Kat's Meow)
We had a great time just catchin' up on the last year and hearing about eachother's past experiences. Sue talked about her and Carolyn's experience in Cambodia and Malaysia! Which was amazing! God is doing awesome work in the lives of the children in Cambodia!
Deanne shared about this special event called the Black Ball. It's a type of fund raiser for those who are involved in Royal Family Kids Camp. They had a couple testimonies from those who had previous gone to camp as a camper. Apparently this was the first time they've had
testimonies shared at the Black Ball?! Pretty Cool!
Otherwise, seems like Sue and Deanne (two crazy gals..lol) are doing well. But it doesn't hurt to keep them in prayer! Sue and Carolyn have a full summer of ministry in store for them and they could use allot of support! So let's keep them in prayer!
P.S. I begin classes with BSU on Monday 21st of May for my CNA (certified nursing assistant). To be honest, I'm really nervous and could use prayer.
God has definitely put me in life changing moments this past year of college. I've had to make decisions that impacted my future and those around me. Life can be tough! But it's how you face those challenges that really defines who you are as a person.
I made mistakes... I made good choices...and I've been stretched. He's not done yet and that's the cool part! Today Sue and Deanne Carpenter met me

We had a great time just catchin' up on the last year and hearing about eachother's past experiences. Sue talked about her and Carolyn's experience in Cambodia and Malaysia! Which was amazing! God is doing awesome work in the lives of the children in Cambodia!
Deanne shared about this special event called the Black Ball. It's a type of fund raiser for those who are involved in Royal Family Kids Camp. They had a couple testimonies from those who had previous gone to camp as a camper. Apparently this was the first time they've had
testimonies shared at the Black Ball?! Pretty Cool!
Otherwise, seems like Sue and Deanne (two crazy gals..lol) are doing well. But it doesn't hurt to keep them in prayer! Sue and Carolyn have a full summer of ministry in store for them and they could use allot of support! So let's keep them in prayer!
P.S. I begin classes with BSU on Monday 21st of May for my CNA (certified nursing assistant). To be honest, I'm really nervous and could use prayer.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
New New New!
Hey Everyone! This is Tiger Lily speaking and I am so excited for this new blog! It has been so long since I have written and alot has happen since.
For some reason I could not remember my old blog password, and decided to make a new one because it's a new season and change is great!
Hopefully this blog will be continually updated and keep you on the edge of your seat, as we set off on an adventure with TigerLily and friends...
For some reason I could not remember my old blog password, and decided to make a new one because it's a new season and change is great!
Hopefully this blog will be continually updated and keep you on the edge of your seat, as we set off on an adventure with TigerLily and friends...
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